Contagious Joy!


“Without exception, people who consistently laugh do so in spite of, seldom because of anything. They pursue fun rather than wait for it to knock on thier door in the middle of the day. Such infectiously joyful believers have no trouble convincing people around them that Christianity is real and that Christ can transform a life. Joy is the flag that flies above the castle of thier hearts, announcing that the King is in residence.” 

Excerpt from

Maybe it’s time to ….

Laugh Again

By Charles R. Swindoll

Friends, it’s your time, it’s your season, the set time of your visitation! Lift up your hearts with joy to receive by faith the blessings that are yours.

Remember that only with joy can you draw from the well of salvation! Isaiah 12:3

Shalom! Shalom! Shalom!

Author: joansanusi

I am a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, Jesus Christ's own beloved, endowed with virtues to live, love and do great exploit to the glory of God the Father.

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