You Must Be Confident

This is culled from a 2016 post. I Am A Confident Woman! Are You! Edited for the purpose of this moment of Truth That Set Free!

You should know dearest Sisters that you are a vessel of honor in your Saviors hands! You have been blessed with a wide shoulder to lean on, a helping hand to hold another, lift up and wipe off others tears.

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You have a sensitive and listening ear, a tender heart to love yet strong enough to stand against wickedness. You have a bridled tongue, lips seasoned with salt, a mouth filled with words that sustains the weary.

You speak truth always, you are not a gossip or rumor monger. You say things the way it is, you are not a hypocrite, far be that from you! You own up for your mistakes, and you are not afraid to say you are sorry for any wrong done!!! You are enough! You are a gem! A treasure!

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Dear Sisters, you are not perfect though! Do you know your weaknesses? Examine yourselves and then take up Christ strength as a shield, draw from the wellsprings of grace constantly, I mean live in it, joined in, embedded, enclosed, get my point? Immerse yourself in Christ strength on a daily basis.

Even though you might have a tiny winy faith, these are the kind that can move mountains, for you are the seed of Abraham. I know you love our Father, for He first loved us and counted us worthy by grace alone, not by any works on our part, solely His love. A love that cannot be explained, unconditional, unchanging and always constant!

Thank the Lord Jesus Sis! You are blessed and highly favored!
