Wo-man!Success And Failure!!!

A seven-year-old Ontario girl who was being sexually assaulted and sold to others for sex in an online Craigslist ad has been rescued, police in Hamilton said as they outlined a disturbing case in which nine men and women — including the girl’s mother and her mom’s boyfriend — were charged. http://wpmedia.news.nationalpost.com/2016/11/.

Women from ages have been at the forefront of everything good and everything bad at the same time. Right from the garden of Eden the devil came to Eve, great mother Eve, a helper ended up helping the devil against the human race. Then Mother Sarah came on board and helped to create the chaos we see today in the middle East and all over the world.

gods-daughterWe had some good women like Abigail – 1 Samuel 25:14, Deborah-Judges 4:4, Jael-Judges 4:21, Ruth and Naomi – Ruth 1-end, Rahab the harlot – Joshua 2 and many who God used regardless of their estate in life to do mighty things, saving generations thereof.

On the other hand, we know of women who were instrument of the devil, in trying to help God do what He has purposed to do. Women like our great great grand mother Sarah was one, Rebekah was one. Rebekah having heard from God that two nations was within her and that the oldest shall serve the youngest. Mother Rebekah went on to aid Jacob leading to Esau’s pain. Come to think of the saying that ” behind every successful man there is a woman” please also note that behind every man/woman of failure, abuse, shame and ridicule there is also a woman like this mother who sold her 7 year old girl into a life of abuse, sexual slavery and evil oppression. Can you fathom that?

for-my-women-friendsWoman, women, mothers, sisters, girl child!!!! We have tremendous capacity to love, nurture, to be kind, compassionate, encourage and much more. We can keep secrets, hide love and hate in our hearts without so much a sign on our face. We are a bundle of good and bad, depending on whom we yield our hearts too. We could be cold or hot blooded? Yet God chose us to bring Himself into this world as a man and this has made the devil to be all out against us I guess.

Some have gone through so much that the image of God, of beauty, love and grace has been distorted by the enemy. This little girl by God’s grace will be healed physically and psychologically, how about her emotions Lord? Will she grow up to experience normalcy? Most High God please heal her completely in Jesus mighty name.

As an adult woman, have you dealt with the pain and shame of the experiences  you had as a child or teenager. Some were raped and never told anybody, some were taken advantage of and even now as married women the secret is still kept, buried under the rubble, not even shared with spouses.  You could be married, divorced, single, a mother, regardless of your estate, this kind of pain will not go away by itself. It has to be brought before the Lord and receive healing in all ramification. Some, thirty years after the incidence are still blaming themselves for what they had no clue was taking place, though some knew.

not broken.jpgA sister shared with me a while back of what happened to her. It was when her mother came to help her nurse her second child that she was able to summon up courage to tell her what a relative did to her many many years before. So many stories!!!! This has distorted the image of how some view themselves. It has subjected some to further abuse even in adulthood. Total healing by the mercies of God will enable an healthy image of oneself as an apple of God’s eye and prevent you subjecting yourself to further abuse.


Some male chauvinist with unrealistic image of themselves and crooked idea of women however, thinks women are only good to gratify their animalistic tendencies. Many thinks been cruel, mean and disrespectful makes them attractive. It is time every adult woman rise up and lecture our daughters about such raucousness that is been brought on by the adulation of evil in our society. To think that a man that grabs women private part, and proudly so, could be the next president? Why won’t an average Joe do worst? Abuse, malign, and disparage the girl child!

Lord Jesus we need you to intervene! Your heritage are been afflicted, your people are burdened, evil sit at the gate and help has gone from the palace. Send help from your sanctuary Oh Lord. Let hearts be touched, let eyes be opened, let heart of stone be changed to the heart of flesh. Let your Kingdom come Oh Lord and your will be done in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Amen.

Shalom! Shalom!