Samson – The Anointed, Great, and Mighty.

Judges 16: 1- end.  The Story of Samson

Lean not on your own understanding.... Trust God.
Lean not on your own understanding…. Trust God.

God had spoken to his mother before his conception. God also revealed Himself to both parent, instructing them how to care for this anointed child. Samson was anointed from the womb, yet he grew up doing everything contrary to the commandments of God. Sexual immorality was his undoing. It cost Samson his eyes and life ultimately. He lost touch with the Holy Spirit of the living God that had been abiding in him even before he was born.

Samson did achieve the purpose for which he was born, which was to destroy the very fabric of the Philistines power and dominion over Israel – God’s own possession. He destroyed the Lord’s enemy – Israel’s cruel oppressor.

Oh Samson! Samson! He would have still destroyed Philistines power and rule over Israel and lived, had he not an insatiable desires for strange women.

You see, friends, there will always be something, issues, desires contending for our life and destiny. God has great, wonderful, and beautiful plan for His children. The wicked one also has plans to kill, steal and destroy. Therefore, there is conflict from within and without. Even after salvation, believers still struggle to stand in the Word in righteousness because of the demand of the flesh over the mind.

In the case of Samson, it was women – beautiful women. In our case, there are many – handsome men, power, money, anger, pride, greed, envy, gluttony, hatred, gossip, snitching, backbiting, loose tongue, controlling others free will by all means and so on. These can, and is capable of pushing us out of God’s plan and purpose for our existence.

Friends, will you join me in sober reflection, to identify the sins that easily befalls, and take it to God in prayer. Put a system in place by the Holy Spirit so that you will not trip – fall or fail in your walk in the Spirit. It is do-able friends, we have a great and loving advocate in Jesus Christ who is daily interceding for us (I John 2:1,John 14: 16 and 26). Ministering Spirits are released when we pray to God from our heart to help and assist us in this walk of destiny (Hebrew 1:14).

The bible says, without holiness no one shall see God (Hebrew 12:14). We have the Holy Spirit to help us, we have provision, we are not stranded, nor left as orphans to navigate the treacherous path of life. Let us therefore, hold unto our confession of faith, praying earnestly that we will not be deceived by the deceitfulness of  sin and the transient glitter of this present world.

Repent therefore and be cleansed, renewed, restored, rejuvenated, and elevated to a position from which you and I are able to offer acceptable sacrifice, service, worship, and praise to the Most High God, King Eternal, Only Wise God, All Sufficient and All Encompassing God world without end. Amen

Shalom! Shalom! Shalom!