Change Required! Now!!!!

It is time to revolutionize the way of thinking in this present dispensation. Time for a paradigm shift!! Change is required, change is needed, change is here, change is welcome!!!! Change is here to stay! Embrace change! Change is good!!!!

We must sift through the recess of our minds and uproot those seeds planted long ago that is not bringing forth desirable fruits. We must do some rearranging, cultivate and consciously plant fresh, new and viable seeds to sustain this next leap on the journey of life.

embracing-changeAs an individual we all need this as we have been conditioned by many factors. As a body we do need change to get result – the “unchurched” to be “Churched” Our world demands it if we are going to reach it for the Kingdom of our Savior Jesus Christ! We need change to remain relevant!

Let the Holy Spirit revolutionize The Church one soul after another Oh Lord! We need revival in our midst. Set our soul on fire Lord. Help your people!

Shalom! Shalom! Shalom!

Leap out!! Backside of The Desert!!! Character is Developed!!

From the original post of August 18th, 2015 – Backside Of The Desert!!! Character is developed!! Re-blogged on May 1st, 2016

“Moses from all account as stated in the scripture was ordained a deliverer. He was born to save his people from slavery. Moses however, thought it would be by his own strength, power and wisdom. How wrong he was! He ended up a reject, a fugitive and a “glorified”slave working for his father in law. Exodus 2: 1- 22

How best can Moses be described during those forty years of running from destiny? This is a man raised in royalty, having been spared to fulfill destiny while other babies perished. As a baby he was shielded from evil, mistakes and all ills, however as a self sufficient adult, he made a blunder that would have changed the course of his life but for predestination – the hand of the Most High God.

Friends, can you relate your own life to that of Moses? You know you are part of the player in the agenda of heaven – you have been saved and know God has a plan for you, then a blunder, wrong decision and action, sending you to the backside of the desert. Exactly where the devil wants you and I, stigmatized, rejected and failing. You see, the back side of the desert is the training ground, where obedience and servitude is learnt, character is developed and tested, where solitude reveals you to yourself. Moses came from the palace, a prince of Egypt, however by the time he got to Median, like Joseph, his princely robe was torn, his appearance was like that of a vagabond. Prim and proper look and the courtesy of being a royal was no more”.

cs-lewisTo bring this home then, relating Moses’s experience to this present generation. It is a far easier life for Moses then, than it is now, even with the Old and New Testament script for our guidance. Moses left Egypt for the desert in haste, unplanned, with fear and limited supplies to pass through the desert if at all he is able to make it through. Moses from all account would not have survived had it not been predestined, for the hand of God was with him.

Likewise, you and I have gone through similar life altering circumstances. We’ve been bruised and battered by the elements while in the desert so much so that getting to where we are now, we are a shadow of our once buoyant confident self. The coat of many colors like Joseph torn, our nails broken, calloused toes and rough skin. We came into the sanctuary for comfort, acceptance, and hopefully to redeem our ways. But wait, what do we often meet, but all that is not of Christ Jesus!! 

We meet self righteous, arrogant, and wicked bully. Not in my Church Ok!!!! Others right? Maybe not! Maybe I am one of such, wolves in sheep clothing, that are in the Church on the look out for any member that seems to have his or her light on to snuff it out, use divisiveness to rule, not lead by example, but rule by every other means but Christ way – love, the pure kind of love!

This has pervaded our midst causing those not well routed to keep shopping for a place to belong and falling back along the way. And some, hurt and lost to the world, with many just flowing with the motion without growth in their spirit man- emphasis on growth been in material wealth. How pathetic!!!  And others, hindered from fully employing their God given talent for the good of all just because they will not compromise.

When Moses got to Midian, Reuel with warmth welcomed him into his family. Nowadays, it is far from it. You have to throw your weight around somehow – announcing your family background, marital status, how much your earn, your thriving business/career and all sort as if that is an indication of your spirituality – pointer to your been born again!!!  You have to prove your worth, boast of your connection to the high and mighty to be treated with dignity. What has gotten into you, me, us, the Church?

Most High God please help me, my friends and your body! Forgive us Oh Lord! We are very far from doing your will Lord. We seem not to be able to do the right thing anymore, please help us. Rekindle your fire in us and create a right spirit within us in Jesus Christ Mighty name. Amen

Shalom! Shalom!




Be Rest Assured! He Is Able!

The Lord that saved you and I is the same God that has been watching over Us. It is the same God that has been shielding us from the fiery darts of the wicked. He has not allowed it to be unto us according to the plan of our enemies. The Lord has defended us in ways we have no idea of.  The Lord has provided for us according to His great mercy – protection, provision, deliverance, sustenance, healing, a way of escape also from the wrath to come in the blood of the Lamb – Jesus Christ. He withheld the hands of the wicked from harming us and built a hedge of fire round about us.

gods-abilityWill He not keep you and I from falling away? He has done so much more friends!! Trust Christ Jesus and stay focused on the throne of grace to see you to an expected end of victory in all ramification. Hold unto the Word, meditate upon it and it will work wonders in your life by the power of the Holy Spirit! Trust in the Lord!

Psalms 119:33 Teach me, Lord, the way of your decrees,
    that I may follow it to the end.
34 Give me understanding, so that I may keep your law
    and obey it with all my heart.
35 Direct me in the path of your commands,
    for there I find delight.
36 Turn my heart toward your statutes
    and not toward selfish gain.
37 Turn my eyes away from worthless things;
    preserve my life according to your word.
38 Fulfill your promise to your servant,
    so that you may be feared.

Shalom! Shalom! Shalom!

I Am A Confident Woman! Are You?

I am confident enough in my own skin! I am not threatened by any ones success or lack there off. I am royalty, earthly lineage of royalty on both sides, topped up by my spiritual heritage, saved by grace, joint heirs with Christ Jesus. I am precious, beautifully and wonderfully made, the seed of Abraham the friend of God, chosen of God Most High to be His. My name is Chosen, Beloved, Love, Joy, Grace, Ordained, Cherish, and I carry the Radiant Glory of the Holy One of Israel. I am not boasting!!! My Father is The Most High God!!! The Ancient of Days!!!!!! Ask Him!!!

radiant-gloryI know I am a vessel of honor in my Saviors hands! I have been blessed with a wide shoulder to lean on, a helping hand to hold another, lift up and wipe off others tears, a sensitive and listening ear, a tender heart to love yet strong enough to stand against wickedness, a bridled tongue, lips seasoned with salt, a mouth filled with words that sustains the weary, speaks truth, not a gossip or rumor monger, says it as it is, not a hypocrite, owns up for my mistakes, and not afraid to say I am sorry for any wrong done!!!

I am not perfect, knows my weaknesses and takes up Christ strength as a shield, draws from the wellsprings of grace constantly, I mean live in, joined in, embedded, enclosed, get my point?  I have a tiny winy faith, the kind that can move mountains for I am the seed of Abraham. I love my Father, for He first loved me and counted me worthy by grace alone, not by any works on my part, solely His love. A love that cannot be explained, unconditional, unchanging and always constant! Thank you Lord Jesus!

Shalom! Shalom! Shalom!


Christ Loves You!

God's love

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life…..8“He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Friends, why don’t you open up your heart to receive the love of God today while it is still today. The verses above indicated that God loves all with an everlasting love. Will you yield today. Jesus bids you come, Matthew 11:28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  

You have heard of God’s love for you, believe exactly that and repent of your sins, confess and accept Jesus Christ into your hearts. He does care for you and there is no alternative to Christ saving grace. Repent therefor and live!

Jesus loves you and is coming soon.

Accept Him today.

Mind of Christ! Wisdom of God!

You have the mind of Christ friends! You have a wise mind! You have been endowed with the wisdom of God by the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells in you! Yes you! Philippians 2:5-8 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bond servant and coming in the likeness of men…..He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. You need to begin to operate in the mind of Christ henceforth.

my faithYou have the mind of Christ that is in sync with heaven, the mind that is one with the Father, the mind that loves unconditionally. The mind of Christ is gentle, peaceful, humble, loving, kind, thankful, generous, compassionate, selfless, it believes nothing is impossible with God, it knows the heart of the Father and works always to gladdens it. It pleases the Father always.

You also have the mind that believes all things in the Lord and His Word, a courageous mind, a heart of flesh, the mind that trust, is loyal, faithful, steadfast, consistent in doing good, forgiving, pure and holy. You have the mind of Christ Jesus! When you begin to operate in it, you will find out that all things are indeed possible with Jesus in the center.

1 Corinthians 2: 6  we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory, which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man.The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. 11 For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. 12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.

13 These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15 But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. 16 For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ.

Operate in it friends! Walk by faith and not by sight! Jesus is Lord!
